Our work

We believe our best work is delivered when we collaborate with our clients, positioning ourselves as a trusted extension of their team, providing additional capacity, ideas and skills.

We immerse ourselves in a client’s business and objectives to ensure we truly understand what matters most, enabling us to provide communications support that delivers measurable results.

To help achieve outstanding results we have seven golden rules.

  • To work as partners
  • To pay the utmost attention to detail
  • To roll our sleeves up and get stuck in
  • To be brave – we’re not afraid to try new things
  • To be honest in the way we operate, and the advice we give
  • To maximise clients’ budgets
  • To bring passion every day

The results speak for themselves.


Anderson Strathern

Clark’s relationship with Anderson Strathern is a true partnership. We work alongside the firm’s marketing and business development team to plan and deliver a pro-active media relations programme that showcases the expertise and straightforward approach that is the hallmark of Anderson Strathern.

Our media strategy is laser focused on upcoming legislative changes in Scotland or within UK law.  We pen articles and opinion pieces that are well-researched and focused on clear actions for businesses, public sector organisations or individuals to follow.

We also swing into action to provide commentary for breaking legal stories, positioning Anderson Strathern as sought after commentators for print, online and broadcast channels.



FOR:EV is Scotland’s only private EV infrastructure provider, backed by funding from the Scottish National Investment Bank.

They’re helping drive forward Scotland’s transition to Net Zero as the country phases out the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles.

Clark started working with FOR:EV in summer 2023,  providing an integrated package of PR, web content and social media services. Already we’ve doubled their LinkedIn audience, significantly boosted traffic to their website and helped them share some exciting news, such as a partnership that’s seen them roll out rapid EV charging hubs at Starbucks sites across Scotland.


The Scotland 5G Centre: 5G Whisky Distillery Report

The Scotland 5G Centre (S5GC) is a champion of the deployment and adoption of 5G connectivity in Scotland’s industry and public sectors.

In 2023, the national innovation centre commissioned Jacobs to explore the potential use of 5G in whisky distilleries. The report revealed that £376,500 of potential benefits could be realised for a single medium-large distillery on an annual basis if they implemented 5G technology.

With 146 malt and grain distilleries in Scotland producing around 401 million litres per year, we worked with the S5GC to consider what the broader economic impact for the sector could be if every distillery invested in 5G technology. We found that the potential cost saving could be £30m over five years.

Leading with significant cost benefits to the sector, we activated a targeted media campaign resulting in widespread coverage across the Scottish business and tech media, as well as the telco and food and drink vertical media. This was then further amplified via promotion on owned digital channels and direct engagement with the sector by the internal S5GC team.

Business | Public sector

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited owns ferries, ports, harbours and infrastructure for vital transport links serving the west coast of Scotland, the Clyde Estuary, and the Northern Isles.
Wholly owned by the Scottish Government, CMAL aims to provide efficient, cost-effective, and safe vessels and infrastructure for operators, communities and ferry passengers around Scotland. Clark works with CMAL to help it communicate with key stakeholders while protecting its reputation and handling media enquiries in challenging times. From launching new ferries with the First Minister to opening award-winning ferry terminal buildings, no two days are ever the same on the CMAL account.

Institute of Directors Scotland

Clark has worked with the Institute of Directors in Scotland since 2015 to provide an integrated package of PR, design and social media services.
We have helped IoD Scotland become one of the go-to bodies for authoritative, respected business comment and opinion in the national and business press. Alongside our press office duties, we also devise and implement media and social strategies for the IoD’s prestigious annual events including its Annual Conference and Director of the Year awards. On top of all this, we provide daily social media support, and editorial management of the IoD Scotland’s quarterly magazine, Direction.

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Clark has been supporting RBGE with its spectacular ‘Christmas at the Botanics’ event since its inception.
The occasion has grown into a centrepiece of Edinburgh’s festive calendar, it is our job to help make it shine in the media and across social. Through a programme of media and influencer relations we ensure Christmas at the Botanics captures the imaginations of families across the country from before the event in September all the way through to January via the careful drip feeding of stories to sustain a buzz across the entire festive period.
Business | Campaigns | Public sector

Seafood Scotland

Clark has a long-standing, trusted relationship with Seafood Scotland, having worked with the trade body since 2014 to provide communications support across event, digital and media channels, from Dundee to Dubai.
By championing the sheer excellence of ‘Scottish’ through trade marketing promotion both in the UK and globally, we help Seafood Scotland meet its goal to increase the value of return to the sector. We have built a strong contacts book across the trade, engaging with suppliers, fishermen, producers, chefs and partners, enabling us to create unique, relevant and authentic stories and events, rooted in the heart of one of Scotland's oldest and most important industries.
Business | Tech

Edinburgh BioQuarter

Edinburgh BioQuarter is a leading global destination for healthcare delivery, ground-breaking medical research and life sciences innovation and entrepreneurship.
Inspired by Edinburgh’s rich history of healthcare and life sciences discoveries, its vision is ‘to be the place where great ideas thrive to revolutionise health and wellbeing’. It is also one of Europe’s largest mixed-use development opportunities and is seeking a private sector partner to join in creating Edinburgh’s £1 billion Health Innovation District. Clark’s role in helping this become a reality is clearly communicating messages to key stakeholders including both the local community and potential global investors via a robust and intelligent comms strategy inclusive of media relations, own channel content, social media and key event networking opportunities.